Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Uh, this is Awkward

I wanted to apologize to you guys. I was not a faithful blogger. I got lazy. I thought that a new blog would make it easier. You guys who read this were awesome, and, if any of you still have this on your feeds and manage to see this, I wanted to apologize.

Sometimes, I forget/write off things that I normally enjoy doing. That's what happened to this blog. I was lazy, and I didn't post for a while. And then I was guilty because I hadn't posted in forever, so I didn't post some more. It's a vicious cycle of me wanting to post but being unable to do so because of my own paranoid pride.

So, um, here comes the awkward part: I have a new Blogger blog, and a new Tumblr blog. Newer than the last one I posted about. They're both called Confessions of a Notebook Collector. In addition to being about writing like this one was, they're both (they're the same blog, just on different sites for people who prefer one over the other) about the books I read and how writing effects life in general.

Oh, yeah. And they're about how Gunmetal Gray is now a part of an independent study in Creative Writing that my school granted me. This time next year, I'll have a finished, polished draft of it that weighs in somewhere between 80-100,000 words.

Yeah, it's kind of awesome.

I hope you guys forgive me. If you want, you can check out the new blog (and you all have total permission to get pissed at me and leave me angry comments if I stop posting) on Blogger or on Tumblr.

I hope to see some of you there sometime!


Wednesday, February 9, 2011


I feel like this is a sin.

New blog, new mission, with a promise to update semi-regularly: Chronicles of a Teenage Writer